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Developing Clinical Nursing Faculty through Mentorship

1. Mentoring is about developing a structured and trusting relationship between a seasoned clinical faculty member (mentor) and an aspiring clinical nursing faculty member (mentee).

2. This mentoring relationship focuses on sharing knowledge, expertise, support, and guidance as the novice nursing instructor transitions into the academic clinical educator role.


The mentoring relationship will:

1. Provide a smooth transition from clinical nurse expert to academic clinical nursing instructor

2. Enhance faculty engagement

3. Increase job satisfaction

4. Provide a communication link between full-time faculty and part-time clinical faculty

5. Strengthen teaching skills/experiences of both seasoned and novice clinical faculty

6. Provide a bridge between didactic and clinical teaching


Set-up a Mentoring Plan

1. Set clear goals, purpose, and objectives for the relationship

2. Establish the frequency of meetings

3. Confidentiality of discussions

4. Determine useful activities

5. Build trust








Cangelosi, P. (2014). Novice nurse faculty: In search of a mentor. Nursing education perspectives 35(5), 327-329. Available from:


Chung, C. & Kowalski, S. (2012). Job stress, mentoring, psychological empowerment, and job satisfaction among nursing faculty. Journal of Nursing Education 51(7), 381-388.


Kapustin, J. & Murphy, L. (2008). Faculty mentoring in nursing. Topics in Advanced Practice Nursing eJournal,8(4). Retrieved from


National League for Nursing (NLN). (2008).  The Mentoring of Nursing Faculty Tool Kit© Retrieved from


National League for Nursing (NLN). (2006). Mentoring of Nursing Faculty. Position Statement. Retrieved from


Peters, M. & Boylston, M. (2006). Mentoring adjunct faculty: Innovative solutions. Nurse Educator 31(2), 61-64.


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). (2013). Mentoring: A boon to nurses, the nursing profession, and patients, too. RWJF in the News. Retrieved from—a- boon-to- nurses-- the-nursing- profession--



Smith-Trudeau, P (2014). Will you be my nurse mentor? Mentoring nurse graduates to awaken their true potential. Vermont Nurse Connection. Retrieved from


Mentoring Website: Mentor Scout. What is a Mentor? Retrieved from


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