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“Nurse educators are the key resource in preparing a nursing workforce” (NLN, 2002).


I want to thank you for the clinical instructor course. It has given me expanded ideas to handle my clinical experience. I am prepared now to start with my instructor role. The materials and handouts are extremely useful. It has given me the technique to be effective and successful, and I enjoyed the course immensely. Thank you for personally helping me and giving me confidence in my role as an instructor. I will certainly recommend it to my colleagues.

-----Anita Devanandan   2/25/22

Dr. Knowles,

WOW! I am speechless. This is absolutely wonderful. You did such a great job. I have been a clinical instructor for 13 years at the University of Kentucky College of Nursing. I have been a clinical coordinator for about 4 years now. I was asked to develop a clinical instructor orientation. What a HUGE task!!!! I have performed literature reviews and read numerous articles and have found so much useful information. I appreciate the access to your sample course module. You have me so interested that I am thinking about purchasing it. Thanks again for reaching out and I appreciate your knowledge. Stay safe. Best, Christy (personal communications, 2020)

Hi Dr. Knowles, 


I hope you are doing well. I am attending Dr. Dunker and Dr. Manning's workshop tomorrow and I noticed that one of the articles that I am printing out tonight was co-authored by you. That's great! 

I just finished my first-semester teaching at Regis and it went well. I've shared with others about your course so I hope I've sent students your way. 

I've learned so much in the past year. I have gone back to my course with you and looked at the material over again. Its been very helpful. 

Best wishes for the new year,

Sincerely,  Rosemary Mangan (email communications 1/3/2019)

"Dr. Knowles 'Clinical Nursing Instructor Course' is a must for any new clinical nursing instructor who is just starting to work with students in the clinical setting.  It serves as a wonderful preparatory course and offers insight on what to expect, how to prepare effective teaching strategies, and a terrific clinical course toolbox which, contains worksheets to guide the new instructor as she/he begins to work with students.  The course was extremely helpful. "  

      I'm glad I had the opportunity to work with you and I hope to meet you at one of the upcoming conferences.  Thanks for your patience. Best of luck, Susan Riekert, MSN, COS-C, RN (4/10/18) 

"Now that the end of the semester is here I thought I would reach out.  Wanted to let you know how helpful your course was even 4 years into my clinical teaching experience. 

·        I have implemented the use of reflection in journals that the students write each week.  That alone has given me insight into things I would not otherwise have known about them.

·        To give them a more rich experience, I have also allowed them to do more procedures with the staff nurses.

·        Your recommendation for the case study book was also great as I was able to customize a makeup assignment at the very end of the semester. It allows the instructor to choose the level of difficulty and medical diagnosis.

In the university for which I teach, there was never any mentoring program so it was great to feel supported.  Also in the beginning of my teaching experience and sometimes even now, I felt that I was an imposter since I have my master’s degree in education rather than nursing.  I was awarded a waiver through the university.   I think I’m starting to get over that insecurity.  They have invited me back each year since. 

Thank you so much for all of your guidance and help. I really enjoyed your course. I really feel your course helped me be more confident in my clinical setting” (Sarah Orr, personal communication, 10/25/17). 

 "Wonderful time working through this course with you! It has definitely helped guide me through my first semester in academia"  (Matthew Vitartas, personal communications,10/18/17).  

"I wanted to thank you once again for the wonderful experience I had during your Academic Clinical Nursing Instructor Prep Course.  As I am nearing the end of my MSN studies, I have been considering pursuing clinical teaching.  Your course has given me the practical information, techniques, and tools to be confident, effective, and successful in this role. I appreciate the well chosen content, research and development that underlies the course, as well as the mentorship.  This course was truly one of the best online learning experiences I have had and I am pleased to recommend it to my colleagues". 

(Susan Scollins, personal communications, 8/24/17).

"This course has given me expanded ideas about how to handle low census times during clinical and creative ways to provide clinical experiences. It has also increased awareness of my affect on the learning environment. I have also gained and increased appreciation for reflection in the learning environment and will incorporate it into my teaching strategies.

     This is definitely something I wish I had done before teaching any clinical groups. Even after teaching clinical for three years, I found there was much I learned. Commraderie was also an important part of this program. Most of us who are part time faculty have no support group or mentor. It was nice to know that some of the things I struggle with, others struggle with too. I always keep in mind that we are educating the nurse who will care for us and our loved ones so it is important for us to provide the best education for them that we can. Thank you, Susan."(course evaluation, 8/16/2017).

" Helped put everything into perspective. Was a good review of what went right and areas I need improvement after one year as a new instructor. Provided great insight and motivation along with resources for making changes/improvements. I believe I have a better understanding and resources for beginning a new academic year" (course evaluation, 7/19/17).

   "Enjoyed hearing different perspectives of experienced and beginning educators. Found validation in sharing experiences. Reinforces the worth and value of nurse educators at all levels" (course evaluation, 2/20/17).

      "The course is extremely helpful for the novice nurse educator. Thank you for all of the information!" (course evaluation, 2/7/17).


      “Since reviewing your course, I have completely changed how I run my clinical” (C. Wilmot, personal communication, 9/3/15).

      “Wish I would have had this opportunity 20 years ago”(Ginger Dominguez,  personal communications, 9/6/15).







The course gives relative standards to teach nursing students. It warrants the clinical instructor to become more academically focused and not just focused on clinical processes of training someone to work. It provides the evidence behind the clinical instruction” (Polly Gosa, personal communications, 11/8/15).


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